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instruction: suspend Object movement
Move Freeze
Move Freeze number

This command suspends the movement of all Objects on screen. Frozen Objects may be re- animated using the MOVE ON command. If an optional Object number is given after MOVE FREEZE, then only that Object will be frozen.

instruction: animate an Object
Anim number"(image,delay) (image,delay)"
Anim number"(image,delay) (image,delay)L"

ANIM is used to take an Object through a sequence of different images, creating smooth animation effects. These animations are performed fifty times every second, using interrupts, so they can be executed simultaneously with AMOS Professional Basic programs. After the ANIM command, a channel number must be given to specify the Object to be animated. Then an animation string is given, with each operation composed of a pair of brackets holding an image number and a delay time (in 50ths of a second). For example:

E> Load "AMOSPro_Tutorial:Objects/Sprites.abk" : Get Sprite Palette
   Channel 1 To Sprite 8: Sprite 8,200,100,1
   Anim 1,"(1,10)(2,10)(3,10)(4,10)"
   Anim On : Wait Key

Similarly to the MOVE command, an L(loop) directive can be added to the movement string, which will continuously repeat the animation. Try changing the third line in the last example to this:

E> Anim 1,"(1,10)(2,10)(3,10)(4,10)L"

instructions: toggle animations on and off
Anim On
Anim On number
Anim Off
Anim Off number

To activate all animation sequences already created by an ANIM command, use ANIM ON. If ail individual sequence is specified by number, then only that sequence will be affected. Similarly, sequences started by ANIM ON may be turned off by the ANIM OFF command.

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