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This stops the Object when it reaches the specified coordinate value, which must be less than (or equal to) the original horizontal target destination. Try changing the third line of the last example to this:

E> Move X 1,"(1,-5,30)E100"

instruction: move Object vertically
Move Y number,"(speed,step,count) ...(speed,step,count)"
Move Y number,"(speed,step,count) ...(speed,step,count)L"

This command operates in the same way as MOVE X, and controls vertical movement. First the number of an animation sequence is given, ranging from 0 to 15, and this sequence must be Already allocated using the CHANNEL command. Then the movement string is given, as explained above. Positive values for the step parameter control downward movements, and a negative value will result in an upward movement. Here is an example:

E> Load "AMOSPro_Tutorial:Objects/Sprites.abk" : Get Sprite Palette
   Channel 1 To Sprite 1: Sprite 1,228,50,1: Wait Vbl
   Move Y 1,"(1,1,180)(1,-1,180)L" : Rem Loop Sprite
   Channel 2 To Screen Display 0: Rem Assign screen position
   Move Y 2,"(1,4,25)(1,-4,25)" : Rem Bounce screen up and down
   Move On : Wait Key

instructions: toggle movements
Move On
Move On number
Move Off
Move Off number

Before any movement patterns can be executed, they must be activated by a MOVE ON command. All movements will begin at once unless an optional number is given, in which case only that particular animation sequence will be activated. MOVE OFF has the opposite effect, halting all animations, or a single sequence specified by its number.

function: report movement status
value=Move On(Object number)

Use the MOVON function to check whether a particular Object is being moved by a MOVE X or MOVE Y command. A value of -1 (true) is returned while the Object is in motion, otherwise zero (false) is given for static Objects. Please note that MOVON does not search for patterns generated by AMAL.

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