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the Object Editor

At the top of this stack are three double-height coloured blocks. The first two colour blocks show the colours currently under the control of the left and right mouse buttons, when used for drawing. The third double-height colour block shows the colour currently used when both mouse buttons are pressed at once, when drawing.

The vertical display of all the colours in the current palette can be seen below the mouse colours. The total umber of the palette colours depends on what sort of "resolution" is being used, and if 64 colours are available, then colours numbered from 32 to 63 will appear in order, side by side of colours zero to 31. To select a colour, place the mouse pointer over your choice, and click either the left or right mouse button to allocate that colour to that button. A third colour can be selected by pressing both buttons, and it is used when both buttons are depressed. Obviously, if you have a three-button mouse, choosing and using the third colour is easier. Select a pair of contrasting colours now, such as white and bright red.

Now look at the vertical stack of zones at the right-hand side of the screen. At the top of this stack, immediately below the [UNDO] icon, there is a square box which displays the "fill pattern" currently available for use. Place the mouse pointer inside it now, and run through all the available fill patterns, using the left button to move forwards and the right button to go backwards through the list. This box is also used to display a read-out of the coordinates of the mouse pointer when images are edited.

Beneath the Current Display box, the images in the current bank are displayed one on top of the other, and the number of each image appears above it. Each image is shrunk in size so that all of it may be viewed in its own rectangular display box. To select an image for attention, click the mouse pointer on it, and you will see that its number becomes highlighted. Any image that is currently being edited is marked with an asterisk star (*) in front of its number.

To the right of the stack where the bank of images will appear, there is a vertical slider bar. Because there can be hundreds of images in any one bank, and there can only be enough space to view a few of them at a time, this slider is pulled up and down with the mouse pointer to display other images in the bank. Use it now to view all the images currently loaded.

To the right-of-centre of the screen is a narrow vertical bar, which can be dragged to the left or right using the mouse pointer, if you need to change the proportions of the Edit Screen. The right-hand zone is the EDIT WINDOW, where images that are being edited are viewed in actual size. The left-hand zone is the ZOOM WINDOW area, where you can view your work in close- up, as it progresses.

The Zoom Window displays a blow-up version of the image, allowing greater accuracy and ease of use while editing. The zoom is normally set to double the size of the original graphics, and there is an option to make this four times the size, which is explained later.

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