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AMOS Errors

Out of memory
During a [Test] operation, this error message may appear when there is not enough memory available to reserve the required variable buffer space. Please see the SET BUFFER command.

Procedure's limits must be alone on a line
All PROCEDURE and END PROC statements must begin on their own line.

Procedure not closed
You have forgotten to end one of your procedures with an END PROC statement.

Procedure not opened.
An END PROC statement has been discovered without a corresponding PROCEDURE defined before it.

REPEAT without matching UNTIL
A REPEAT instruction has been found, but there is no UNTIL statement to go with it.

Sample not defined
You are trying to play an audio sample that does not exist in the current sample bank.

Shared must be alone on a line
The SHARED command must be the only statement on the current line.

Structure too long
Loops in AMOS Professional have a maximum span of 65,536 bytes. So if you have lines between a FOR.. .NEXT loop that exceed this limit you'll receive this error. The same applies to IF...ENDIF and all other loops.

Syntax error
The current line of your program is written wrongly. You must have the correct syntax or "grammar" for the construction you are trying to use, as explained in this User Guide.

This array is not defined in the main program
If a SHARED command is used within a procedure but the array that you want to share is not dimensioned at the start of the program then this error will occur.

This instruction must be used within a procedure
You are trying to use the SHARED command outside of a procedure definition.

This variable is already defined as SHARED
You are not allowed to define the same variable more than once in a single procedure.

Trap must be immediately followed by an instruction
The TRAP command runs an AMOS instruction and automatically traps any error before returning to the next line.

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