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AMOS Errors

You have used an UNTIL command that does not refer to a previous REPEAT statement.

Undefined label
Your program is trying to find a label that you have forgotten to specify.

Undefined procedure
You are trying to call up a procedure that does not exist in your program.

Use empty brackets when defining a shared array
You are not allowed to include the dimensions of an array when you define it as SHARED.

User function not defined
You've probably tried to call a non-existent user defined function from direct mode. Note that Direct mode can access any User Defined functions created by your current program. Providing they've been installed in memory with a RUN, they can be used with impunity.

Variable buffer can't be changed in the middle of a program!
Apart from a REM statement, the SET BUFFER command must always be used as the very first line of your program.

Variable buffer too small
While you are running a [Test] on your program, it is possible that the area reserved for variables can overflow. If there is enough memory available, use SET BUFFER to expand this area.

WEND without WHILE
There is no WHILE command to go with your WEND statement.

WHILE without matching WEND
There is no matching WEND statement to go with your WHILE command.

Run time errors
When AMOS Professional comes across a mistake while your program is running, it will automatically halt the program, pinpoint the offending instruction and display the relevant error message. As soon as you continue editing your program, the cursor will go to the line in your program where the error is lurking. These run time errors each have a special code number, which is displayed in brackets immediately after the error message, and these code numbers can be used in the process of error trapping. For example, you may want to find the error message that goes with a particular code number, by using a line such as:

X> Error Errornumber

256 characters for a wave (181)
Audio waves can only be created by a list of 256 bytes.

Address error (25)
You are trying to read an odd address in a DEEK or LEEK command, which must always be even. Similarly, DOKE and LOKE cannot load these addresses.

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