Amos Professional Manual  Contents  Index


So much has been added to the original software, and special attention has been paid to the interface between our software and your brain: the Editor.
I really want you to be comfortable within AMOS Professional, and I am happy to tell you that the Editor can be reconfigured to exactly how you like it, and I mean exactly. You can even reprogram my menu options.

We'll keep on listening to your suggestions, so please fill in the Registration Card and when you have taken a little time to discover the insides of AMOS Professional, tell us your impressions of the product. Old AMOS users, you are in for a big shock! New users, I want you to be surprised, delighted and made passionate by my software!


Is it really five years since two French guys visited our offices with STOS Basic in tow? It had sold a couple of thousand units in France and all its support programs looked terrible! But there was something magical under the hood: STOS had an amazingly fast sprite engine, a powerful music facility, and it was perfect for writing games. We got incredibly excited, decided to publish STOS in the UK as The Games Creator, and got the author to write a Low res sprite editor and a game, for which we supplied all the graphics. STOS was transformed! It was launched in August 1988 and stormed straight to Number One in the Gallup Charts. It has since sold 40,000 copies through the shops, and a further 90,000 when Atari bundled it with the ST for a year.
AMOS was started soon after the STOS launch. Until then, François had hardly seen an Amiga, and boy, did he have problems coming to terms with its idiosyncrasies! Since then, AMOS has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Amiga programmers! Easy AMOS followed on, to meet the demands of first-time programmers. François made so many improvements to the original environment that we had to give AMOS a complete overhaul, and the result is AMOS Professional: what must be the most sophisticated development system for the Amiga yet. I am sure that as you use AMOS Pro you will appreciate the sheer amount of hard work and love that François, Richard, Mel, Stephen, Ronnie and the team have put into the package. They have worked long hours, seven days a week to bring you their pride and joy, based on conversations and questionnaires from very many AMOS users. I hope that this is exactly what you've been waiting for, and I wish you many happy hours using AMOS Pro to transform your dreams into reality.


I've been involved with AMOS from the very beginning. It's been a wonderful program to work with and I have always been excited by each new version created by François. With AMOS Professional we have turned the tables on you, the user. Instead of dictating what this new version was to be, we contacted over two hundred AMOS enthusiasts to see what they wanted. From their replies we created a Wish List of major features. The ones that made the most sense and offered the greatest benefits to the majority of users were grafted into the system. AMOS is a very wholesome product, and it leaves no boulders unturned. Its creative powers allow you to produce endless types of programs. Have strength in all your programming efforts, and if your human machine tries to defeat you and you feel like giving up, rely on the strength of AMOS Professional. The satisfaction is well worth the effort. Go for it!


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