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Interface Resources

Each national grouping is provided with its own set of messages in the appropriate language, and these messages can be used to generate multi-language programs. The message number parameter enters the number of the message. Here is an example:

D> For A=1 To 7
    Print Resource$(A)
   Next A

The following list shows the strings related to the various numbers:

Number           Message
>0               String from the Resource bank
0                Full pathname of APSystem folder
<0               Configuration system strings, as follows:
-1 to -9         Default file names
-10 to -36       All 26 extensions
38, -38          Communication ports
-40              Default cursor flashing
2001 to -2044    Miscellaneous strings used by Editor
-2045 to -2049   Editor system files

instruction: open a screen using the resource settings
Resource Screen Open number,width,height,flash

This instruction opens a screen using the settings that are stored in the Resource Bank. These screen settings include the number of colours, the resolution and the entire colour palette.

The parameters are given in the following order: the number of the screen to be defined from zero to 7, the width of this screen in pixels and the height of the screen in lines. Finally a simple flag is set for the flash feature, with a value of zero to turn off the flash, or any other appropriate value to assign the flash effect to that colour index number.

The new screen will be installed with the colour palette held in the Resource Bank.

The following example opens a screen using the settings from the internal Resource Bank, just like the Editor screen, where the flashing colour is index number 2.

E> Resource Screen Open 0,640,200,2

instruction: unpack an image from the Resource Bank
Resource Unpack number,x,y

This AMOS Professional command unpacks a single element from the current Resource Bank and displays it on the screen.

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