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Interface Resources

In addition to single images, more complex arrangements can be built up from combining a group of individual component images, and the following commands are available to exploit this facility.

Interface instruction: draw a line from Resource Bank image components
LI x,y,first image,width;

The LIne command is used to construct a line from three single images held in the Resource Bank. The x,y-coordinates set the position of the top left-hand corner of the line, with the x- coordinate rounded to the nearest multiple of eight pixels. Then the number of the first image to be used for the line is given. Lastly, the width of the line is set in pixels, and this width should be an exact multiple of the image width, otherwise the width of the line will be increased to the nearest image boundary.

The following diagram illustrates the three component images, defining the start, the middle and the end of the line.

[1 2 3]

These components can be rearranged to generate larger lines, as illustrated next:


Interface instruction: draw a vertical line from Resource Bank components
VL x,y,first image,height

This is very similar to the LIne command, except that it displays a vertical line composed of a series of three images held in the Resource Bank. The x,y-coordinates for the top left-hand corner of the line are given, followed by the number of the first of the three images to be used in the display. Finally, the height of the line is specified, and it will be rounded up to the nearest multiple of three automatically.

Interface instruction: draw a box from Resource Bank image components
BO x,y,first image,width,height;

Similarly, the BOx instruction draws a rectangular bar from an assortment of nine packed images from the Resource Bank. The parameters are the same as for a LIne command, with the additional parameter of the height of the box, which can be anything you wish. The component images for the rectangle are in the following format:

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