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Interface Language

User-defined functions
User-defined Interface commands are treated in exactly the same way as any of the existing instructions, and they can be used to create whole libraries of box definitions, button types and selectors.

Interface instruction: create a user-defined Interface command
UI XX,number of parameters;[instruction definition]

To create a new Interface instruction, use the UI command and then specify the pair of capital letters that are to represent the name of the new instruction from now on. For example, SB could be specified to refer to a new command for drawing a ShadowedBox. The new name must not already be used for an existing Interface command.

The pair of identification letters is followed by a list of parameter values. Each user-defined instruction can read up to nine parameter values from the Interface program, these parameters must be separated by commas, and can be entered directly in the command line. They can now be read from the new definition routine using the parameter functions P1 to P9.

Finally, the definition of the user-defined command is specified inside a pair of square brackets. This definition enters an Interface program to be assigned to the new instruction, and it can include anything you wish.

Here is a complete working example of a user-defined instruction that draws a shadowed dialogue box:

E> A$=A$+"BA 50,50;"
   A$=A$+"SI 160,60; SA 1;"
   A$=A$+"SB 0,0,150,50,5,0,5;"
   AS=A$+"PO 10,10,'AMOS Professional',2,4; PR 48,20,'Basic',4;"
   A$=A$+"BU 1,90,38,50,10,0,0,6;"
   A$=A$+"[ShadowBox 0,0,50,10,1,0,4 BPos+; PR 1,2,'Button',6;][]"
   A$=A$+"RU 0,7;EXit;"
   A$=A$+"UserInstruction ShadowBox,7; create shadowed box with seven parameters"
   A$=A$+"[IN P6,0,0; GB P1 P5+,P2 P5+,P3 P5+,P4 P5+; draw the shadow effect"
   A$=A$+"1N P7,0,0; GB P1,P2,P3,P4, draw the box at the top]"
   D=Dialog Box(A$)

The Interface provides a method of arranging your user-defined instructions so that they behave exactly like the built-in graphics operations.

Interface instruction: set graphics variables
XY xa,ya,xb,yb

The XY instruction loads the internal variables XA, YA, XB and YB with the position of the graphics cursor before and after the new operation.

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