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Playing Music Modules

A complete range of facilities i provided for playing music composed with the AMOS Professional system, as well as module created with the popular Tracker and Med systems.

Playing AMOS Professional music
Any pieces of AMOS Professional music that are to be used with your programs must be held in the Music Bank, which is normally Bank 3. These musical pieces can be played without affecting tiny other part of the main program. If sound effects are triggered on a channel that is currently playing music, the tune will be suspended while the sound effect is performed, and will start again from its last position once the effect is over.

Several musical arrangements can be stored in the same bank, provided that there is enough memory, and to identify melodies each piece of music must be given its own number.

instruction: play a piece of AMOS Professional music
Music number

The MUSIC command is used to start playing the specified melody. Up to three different melodies can be started at the same time, but each new MUSIC instruction will halt the current melody and hold its status in a stack. When the new song has ended, the original music will start again exactly where it left off. Here is a ready-made melody to load and play:

DL> Load "AMOSPro_Examples:Music/Music.Abk"
    Music 1

If you do not want your music to play through to the end, it can be halted in either of the two following ways.

instruction: stop a single passage of music
Music Stop

This instruction brings the current single passage of music to a halt. If there is any other active music held in the stack and waiting to be played, that music will begin to play at once.

instruction: turn off all music
Music Off

The MUSIC OFF command is used to turn off all AMOS Professional music in your program completely. After this command has been called, the sound track can only be re-started by executing a MUSIC command all over again.

instruction: set the volume of a piece of music
Mvolume level

To set the volume of a piece of music, or to change its current volume, this command is followed by a number ranging from zero for complete silence, up to 63 for as loud as possible.

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