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Please note that AMAL automatically waits for the next vertical blank before jumping back to the start of the loop with Next. The movement of your objects will only be seen when the screen is updated after a VBL, so faster loops would merely waste valuable processor time without any visible effect. AMAL automatically synchronises your For ... Next loops with the screen updates, producing the smoothest possible results. The use of a Pause command is not needed.

AUtotest (list of tests)

The AUtotest feature provides rapid interaction between AMAL and the user. It adds a special test at the beginning of the AMAL program, and this test is performed at every VBL before the rest of the AMAL program is executed. AUtotest is fully explained in its own section of this Chapter.


This sets the part of the main program which is to be executed after an Autotest.


The End command terminates the entire AMAL program and turns off the Autotest feature if it has been defined.


This command exits from an Autotest and re-enters the current AMAL program.


The On instruction activates the main program after a Wait command.


Use Pause to temporarily halt the execution of an AMAL program, and wait for the next vertical blank period. After the VBL, the program resumes from the next instruction automatically.

You are recommended to use Pause before a Jump command to ensure that the number of jumps is less than the maximum of ten per VBL. This frees valuable processor time and can have a superb effect on the overall speed of your Basic program.

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