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The LOcate embedded command moves the graphics cursor to coordinates x,y measured relative to the top left-hand corner of the 'menu line. Please note that after this command, the graphics cursor will always be positioned at the bottom right of the object which has just be drawn. These coordinates will also be used to determine the location of any further items in your menu. For example:

E> Menu$(1)="Example " : Menu$(1,1)="Locate (LO 50,50) in action"
   Menu$(1,2)="Please guess my coords"
   Menu On : Wait Key

embedded command: draw a bob
BOb number

The BOb command draws the specified Bob image from the Object Bank at the current cursor position. The existence of any hot spot will be ignored. Colour zero will normally be treated as transparent, but this can be changed with NO MASK. All coordinates will be measured relative to the top left-hand corner.

embedded command: draw an icon
ICon number

ICon draws the given icon number at the current cursor position. Colour zero is not normally transparent in this case, but transparency can be achieved with MAKE ICON MASK, as detailed in Chapter 7.7.

embedded command: set pen, paper or outline colour
INk mode,value

The INk command assigns the colour index values to be used for the pen, paper and outline colours in your menu drawing. The numbers to be used for the various modes are as follows:

Number    Mode
1         Set text PEN colour
2         Set PAPER colour
3         Set OUTLINE colour

embedded command: set font
SFont number

SFont sets the current menu font to the selected graphics font number. This font will now be used for all subsequent menu items. GET FONTS must be called before this instruction is executed.

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