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This command temporarily turns a menu off, making it inactive. The menu can be reactivated at any time with the MENU ON command.

instruction: delete one or more menu items
Menu Del
Menu Del(single item parameters)

On its own, MENU DEL erases the whole menu. But be warned, once the menu has been deleted it cannot be retrieved!

MENU DEL can also be qualified by up to eight parameters, separated by commas, and held in a single pair of brackets. These values represent the precise position of the item in the menu hierarchy to be deleted. For example:

X> Menu Del(1) : Rem Delete title number 1
   Menu Del(1,2) : Rem Delete option 2 of title 1
   Menu Del(2,3,4) : Rem Delete sub-option 4 of option 3 of title 2

instruction: save menu definitions into a memory bank
Menu To Bank number

Use this command to save your menu along with its entire structure of branch definitions to the numbered bank. Once the menu has been stored in the selected memory bank, it will automatically be saved along with your Basic program. By storing your menu definitions in a memory bank, the size of your program listings are reduced significantly, freeing valuable space in the editor memory. If the bank number you select already exists, the appropriate error message will be given.

instruction: restore a menu definition saved in a menu bank
Bank To Menu number

Follow BANK TO MENU with the number of the memory bank where your menu data is stored. The menu will be restored to its exact state when originally saved, so the restoration process may take a few seconds. To activate the restored menu, call MENU ON.

instruction: recalculate a menu
Menu Calc

Any item in an AMOS Professional menu can be changed during the course of a program. This is extremely useful for designing adventure games or creating self help programs, where individual menu options can be updated depending on the user's actions. After the menu has been defined, items may be added and options replaced as you please, and everything will be repositioned automatically as soon as the menu is called up with the right mouse button.

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