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instruction: set a line style
Set Line binary mask

This command sets the style of all straight lines that are subsequently drawn. Theoretically, the 16-bit mask can generate values for different patterns between 0 and 65535, but here is a more practical example:

E> Cls : Ink 2
   Set Line $F0F0
   Box 50,100 To 150,140
   Set Line %1100110011001100
   Box 60,110 To 160,160

Drawing outline shapes
Here is a range of AMOS Professional short-cuts for drawing outline shapes on the screen.

instruction: draw multiple line
Polyline x1 ,y1 To x2,y2 To x3,y3
Polyline To x1 ,y1 To x2,y2

The POLYLINE is identical to DRAW except that it accepts multiple coordinate settings at the same time. In this way, complex many-sided outlines can be drawn with a single statement. In its POLYLINE TO form, drawing begins at the current graphic cursor position. For example:

E> Circle 160,100,95
   Polyline 160,6 To 100,173 To 250,69 To 71,69 To 222,173 To 160,6

instruction: draw a rectangular outline
Box x1 ,y1 To x2,y2

Boxed outlines are drawn at settings determined by the top left-hand and bottom right-hand coordinates, as in the last example.

instruction: draw a circular outline
Circle x,y,radius

To draw circles, a pair of coordinates sets the position of the centre point around which the shape is to be drawn, followed by the radius of the circle (the distance between the centre point and the circumference or rim of the circle.) If the x,y-coordinates are omitted, the circle will be drawn from the current graphic cursor position.

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