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Screen Effects

default setting for the text cursor. By using interrupts, any colour index can be cycled through a series of colour changes, producing complex flashing effects.

instruction: set flashing colour sequence
Flash index number,"(colour,delay)(colour,delay)(colour,delay)..."
Flash Off

When FLASH is followed by the index number of any colour, that colour will display animated flashing every time it is used, until FLASH OFF is called. Up to 16 colours can be cycled to customise your flashing effects, and the rate of delay from one colour change to the next can be individually set. Try this:

E> Flash 1 ,"(0A0,10)(F0F,40)"

In that example, the colour to be affected is set to index number 1. After the comma, the set of quotation marks can contain up to 16 pairs of brackets, and each pair of brackets contains the colour that is next on the list to be flashed, and the time it will appear for. Colour is set in RGB component values, which are fully explained in the next Chapter. Delay time is set in units of a 50th of a second. So the last example has the effect of flashing colour number 1 between a green value and a violet value once every second. The next example is more subtle:

E> Cls : Centre "SILENT MOVIES"
   Flash 1,"(111,4)(333,4)(555,4)(777,4)(555,7)(333,7)
   Curs Off : Wait 250 : Flash Off

instruction: rotate colour values upwards
Shift Up delay,first,last,flag

This command takes the values held in the colour registers and shunts them forwards. The delay between colour shifts is set in 50ths of a second, similarly to the FADE command.

Next the values of the colours to be affected are set, from the first colour to the last colour in the sequence. The first colour in the list will be copied to the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last colour in the series is reached.

Finally, a flag is set to either 0 or 1. When this flag is set to zero, the last colour is discarded, and the rotation will cycle for the number of times it takes to replace all colours with the first colour in the list. Alternatively, if the flag is set to one, the last colour index in the list is copied into the first, causing the colours to rotate continuously on screen.

Each of your screens can have its own set of animated colour rotations, and because they are executed using interrupts they will not affect the running of your programs.

instruction: rotate colour values downwards
Shift Down delay,first,last,flag

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