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Setting up Screens

The CLS command erases.all or part of the current screen. Used on its own, the contents of the current screen are deleted and replaced by the current paper colour. Any windows that may have been set up will also be cleared in this way.

By specifying the index number of a particular colour after the CLS command, the clearing operation will be carried out using that colour.

A rectangular part of the current screen can also be cleared, leaving the rest of the screen intact. This is achieved by adding the coordinates of the block to be filed with the specified colour, from the top left-hand corner, to the bottom right. For example:

E> Cls: Circle 100,98,98: Cls 0,50,50 To 150,150

instruction: hide a screen
Screen Hide
Screen Hide number

instruction: show a screen
Screen Show
Screen Show number

Use the SCREEN HIDE command to remove the current screen from view. It can then be restored using a SCREEN SHOW instruction, like this:

E> Cls : Print "I am the Current Screen" : Wait 100
   Screen Hide : Wait Key
   Screen Show

Any screen can be temporarily hidden, by including its index number after the SCREEN HIDE instruction. This screen is revealed with a similar request to SCREEN SHOW, followed by the relevant screen number.

Screen priority
Because screens may be of different sizes, and because they can be displayed at various positioned on the TV by offsets and overlaps, and because there can be up to eight electronic screens queuing up one behind the other, a method is needed to bring any one of these screens to the front of the display.

instruction: move screen to front of display
Screen To Front
Screen To Front number

Use SCREEN TO FRONT to move the selected screen to the front of the display queue. If the screen number is omitted after the command, then the current screen will be brought to the front.

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