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Setting up Screens

instruction: display current screen setting

When the AUTO VIEW OFF instruction is engaged, VIEW can be used to display any changes that have been made to the current screen settings, and they will be displayed at the next vertical blank period following the VIEW command.

Moving a screen
Once a screen has been opened, it can be positioned and moved anywhere on the television display. This means that screens can be made to bounce, slip, slide, flip over, sink out of sight and behave in all sorts of bizarre ways. This also means that screens can overlap or be displayed above one another, and so several different screen modes can be shown at once in separate areas of the display.

instruction: position a screen
Screen Display number
Screen Display number,x,y, width,height

To position a screen, the SCREEN DISPLAY command is used, followed by these parameters:

Number refers to the number of the screen to be displayed, from 0 to 7. All or any of the other parameters can be omitted, but the relevant commas must be included.

The x,y-coordinates are given as "hardware" coordinates, which refer to physical positions on the television screen, not the area used by AMOS Professional screens. These set the position from which your AMOS Professional screen will be displayed on the TV screen.

X coordinates can range from 0 to 448, and they are automatically rounded down to the nearest 16-pixel boundary. Only the positions from 112 to 432 are actually visible on the TV screen, so avoid using an x-coordinate below 112.

Y coordinates can range between 0 and 312, but because every TV set displays a slightly different visible area, it is sensible to keep the range between 30 and 300. A small amount of experimenting will reveal what suits your own system.

Width sets the width of the screen in pixels. If this is different from the original setting, only a part of the image will be shown, starting from the top left-hand corner of the screen. It will also be rounded down to the nearest 16 pixels.

Height is used to set the height of the screen in exactly the same way as the width.

If any of the optional parameters are left out, the default settings will be applied automatically.

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