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Memory Banks

If a bank has been created using RESERVE, or some screen Objects have been defined with a command such as GET BOB, the new data can be saved onto a suitable disc in one of two ways.

When the SAVE command is followed by a string containing a filename, all current memory banks will be saved into a single large file, bearing that name. The filename can be anything at all, but it is common practice to add the ".Abk" extension at the end, to remind yourself that this is an AMOS Professional memory bank. Similarly, an ".Abs" extension is used to indicate a file containing a group of several memory banks.

By adding an optional bank number after the filename, only that selected bank will be stored in the named file onto disc.

Here is an example of an instant image-bank generator:

E> N=1 : Rem Set number of first new image to create
   S=1 : Rem Set size of image*16
   Rem Create images in bank one
   For G=0 To 4
    Rem Draw the images
    Ink G+1 : Circle S*7,S*7,S*7 : Paint S*8,S*8
    Ink 0: Ellipse S*4,S*5,S*1,5*2 : Paint S*4,S*5
    Ellipse S*1 0,S*5,S,S*2 : Paint S*10,S*5
    Ellipse S*7,S*10,S*5,S*3 : Ellipse S*7,S*9,S*4,S : Paint S*1 1,S*1
    Ink G+1 : Bar S*3,S*7 To S*13,S*9
    Rem Now grab them as Objects
    Get Bob G+N,0,0 To S*16-1 ,S*16-1
    Rem Clear them from the screen
    Cls 0,0,0 To S*16,S*16
  Next G
  F$=Fsel$("*.Abk"," ","Save your images")
  Rem Save Objects in bank 1
  If F$<>0
   Save F$,1
  End If

Loading memory banks
Once saved, memory banks need to be retrieved and loaded, ready for use. AMOS Professional makes this process very easy too.

instruction: load one or more banks into memory
Load "filename"
Load "filename",bank number

Remember it has been suggested that memory bank filenames should have the following extensions, acting as reminders for human eyes, and identification flags for computer searches:

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