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the Joystick and Mouse

E> For N=150 To 300
    X Mouse=N : Y Mouse=N/2
    Print X Mouse : Print Y Mouse
   Next N

function: read status of mouse buttons
k=Mouse Key

The MOUSE KEY function checks whether one of the mouse buttons has been pressed and makes a report in the form of a binary pattern made up of these elements:

Pattern      Report
Bit 0        Left mouse button
Bit 1        Right mouse button
Bit 2        Third mouse button if it exists

As usual, the numbers zero and one make up the report, with a one displayed when the relevant button is held down, otherwise a zero is shown. Try this routine:

E> Curs Off
    Locate 0,0
    M= Mouse Key : Print "Bit Pattern ";Bin$(M,8);" Number ";M

function: check for click of mouse button
c=Mouse Click

This is similar to MOUSE KEY, but instead of checking to see whether or not a mouse button is held down, MOUSE CLICK is only interested in whether the user has just made a single click on a mouse button. It returns the familiar bit pattern of these elements:

Pattern    Report
Bit 1      Single test for left mouse button
Bit 2      Single test for right mouse button
Bit 3      Single test for third mouse button, if available

These bits are automatically re-set to zero after one test has been made, so they will only check for a single key press at a time. Here is an example:

E> Curs Off
    M=Mouse Click
    If M<>0 Then Print "Bit Pattern ";Bin$(M,8);" Number";M
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