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The current window can 'be moved to any acceptable graphic coordinates. Give the new x,y- coordinates after the WIND MOVE command, and the x-coordinate will be rounded to the nearest 16-pixel boundary automatically. Here is an example:

E> Wind Save : Wind Open 1,0,2,30,10,1 : Wind Save
   For M=1 To 100
    Pen Rnd(15) : Paper Rnd(15) : Print : Centre "Making Movies"
     Wind Move Rnd(30)+1,Rnd(100)+1
     Wait VbI
   Next M

instructions: toggle window scrolling on and off
Scroll On
Scroll Off

The SCROLL commands are used to control the scrolling of the current window. SCROLL OFF turns off the scrolling, and whenever the cursor passes beyond the bottom of the window it will reappear from the top. SCROLL ON starts the scrolling process again, so that a new line is inserted when the cursor tries to pass beyond the bottom of the window.

instruction: change the size of the current window
Wind Size width, height

To change the size of the current window, specify the new width and new height in terms of the number of characters. If WIND SAVE has been activated, the original contents of the window will be re-drawn by this instruction. If the new window size is smaller than the original, any parts of the original image that lie outside of the new window boundaries will be lost. Alternatively, if the new window is larger, the space around the saved area will be filled with the current paper colour. Please note that the text cursor is always re-set to coordinates 0,0. For example:

E> Wind Open 1,16,16,22,10,2
   Print "I want to be wider!"
   Wind Save
   Wait 50
   Wind Size 30,10

instruction: clear the current window

This simple command erases the contents of the current window and replaces it with a block of the current PAPER colour.

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