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When used in this way, it is automatically displayed as PRINT as soon as the line has been entered into your listing.

E> ? "AMOS Professional"

instruction: format printed output
Print Using format$;variable list

USING is always employed with the PRINT command to allow subtle changes in the way output is printed from a list of variables. The format string contains special characters, and each one has a different effect, as explained below.

tilde character [Shift]+[#]

Every ~ in the string variable is replaced by a single character from left to right, taken from an output string. For example:

E> Print Using "This is a ~~~~~~ example";"simple"

hash character

Each # specifies one digit at a time, to be printed out from a given variable, with any unused digits being replaced by spaces. For example:

E> Print Using "###";123456

plus character

This adds a plus sign to a positive number or a minus sign if the number is negative. For example:

E> Print Using "+##";10 : Print Using "+##";-10

minus character

This gives a minus sign to negative numbers only. Positive numbers will be preceded by a space. For example:

E> Print Using "-##";10:Print Using "-##";-10
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