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The INT function rounds down a floating point number to the nearest whole number (integer), so that the result of the following two example lines is 3 and -2, respectively:

D> Print Int(3.9999)
   Print Int(-1.1)

instruction: fix precision of floating point

The FIX command changes the way floating point numbers are displayed on screen, or output to a printer. The precision of these floating point numbers is determined by a number (n) that is specified in brackets, and there can be four possibilities, as follows:

Here are some examples:

E> Fix (2) : Print Pi# : Rem Two digits after decimal point
   Fix(-4) : Print Pi# : Rem Exponential with four digits after decimal point
   Fix(16) : Print Pi# : Rem Revert to normal mode

Single and double precision
Although the standard floating point system is perfect for general use, it may not be accurate enough for genuine scientific applications, or advanced simulations. AMOS Professional offers a choice of two separate calculation systems.

Single Precision
This is the default mode, and is automatically used whenever an AMOS Professional program is RUN. Single precision is accurate to about seven decimal digits, it is very fast and it is ideal for the vast majority of applications.

Double precision
Double precision mode offers double the normal degree of accuracy, and is capable of dealing with extremely precise values. Unlike most pocket calculators, AMOS Professional double precision can handle numbers with up to 16 significant digits.

This extent of accuracy will consume twice as much memory as the standard version, and it will also cause a great slowing down of calculations. It should only be used when extra accuracy is absolutely vital.

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