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The next calculation gives a result of 43, because it evaluated in the following order:

D> Print 10+2*5-8/4+5^2

    5^2 = 25
    2*5 = 10
    8/4 = 2
  10+10 = 20
   20-2 = 18
  18+25 = 43

By adding two strategic pairs of brackets to the same calculation, the logical interpretation is transformed, resulting in an answer of 768, like this:

D> Print (10+2)*(5-8/4+5)^2

     10+2 = 12
  5-8/4+5 = 5-2+5
    5-2+5 = 8
      8^2 = 64
    12*64 = 768

Fast calculations
There are three instructions that can be used to speedflip the process of simple calculations.

instruction: increment an integer variable by 1
Inc variable

This command adds 1 to an integer (whole number) variable, using a single instruction to perform the expression variable=variable+1 very quickly. For example:

D> V=10 : Inc V : Print V

instruction: decrement an integer variable by 1
Dec variable

Similarly to INC, the DEC command performs a rapid subtraction of 1 from an integer variable. For example:

D> V=10 : Dec V : Print V

instruction: perform fast integer addition
Add variable,expression
Add variable,expression,base To top

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