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the Editor

[Reduce] or [Amiga]+[N8]
To reduce the bottom border of the window, use this option to position it higher by one screen


The [Macros] menu allows a whole string of editor commands to be assigned to a single key-press.

[Enter a New Macro] or [Ctrl]+[M]
After selecting this option, you will be asked which key-press is to be allocated to the new Macro. This can be a single character or a combination of keys that are to be pressed together. Macros work by referring to the "scan code" of keys rather than the actual character value. This means that any key or combination of keys can be assigned independently, including the keys from the numeric keypad, providing that the following rules are obeyed:

Once a new Macro has been defined, click on a mouse button to save it into memory. To keep Macro definitions, they can be saved directly onto disc using the [Save Macro] option explained below.

[Delete One Macro]
Simply select the Macro to be deleted by pressing its key combination. It will then be deleted from memory. This memory space will now be released to the main AMOS Professional system.

[Delete All Macros]
This option is used to erase all Macro definitions in a single operation.

[Load Macros]
This loads a named Macro file from disc.

[Load Default Macros]
Use this option to load the AMOSPro.Macros file from the APSystem folder.

[Save Default Macros]
This saves all defined Macros into a special file on disc, named AMOSPro.Macros. In future, whenever AMOS Professional is run, the saved Macros will be loaded instantly.

If necessary, Macro definitions can be saved automatically, whenever you leave AMOS Professional. This process is detailed below, under [Quit Options] in the [Config] Main Menu heading.

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