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the Editor

[Save As] or [Amiga]+[Shift]+[S]
This saves the existing program under a new name. A selector will be displayed on screen to allow the destination file to be selected.

[Close] or [Amiga]+[Shift]+[Q]
When this option is chosen, the active window is closed down and its contents are completely erased. If the window has been set up using the split-screen option, the original source listing will remain intact.

[New] or [Amiga]+[Q]
Using this option will delete the current program, leaving its window in position, ready for further editing.

[Hide] or [Amiga]+[H]
This closes the present screen window, and hides the program into memory as an accessory. This program may now be called from the [AMOS] Main menu heading directly.

can only be used if there are at least two windows on the screen, and the last window on display cannot be hidden. If a split screen is hidden, all splits are erased and the window is then hidden.

[Print] or [Amiga]+[P]
If there is an active printer connected to your Amiga, this option can be used to list the current program directly onto paper.

[Merge] or [Amiga]+[M]
With this option you can merge in from disc another file that was previously saved as an normal AMOS Professional program. This allows you to merge in libraries of routines when you need them.

[Merge Ascii] or [Amiga]+[Shift]+[M]
This merges an Ascii text file into the current program listing.

For large listings, the merging-process can take a few minutes to complete, so patience may be needed.

[Check 1.3] or [Amiga]+[Shift]+[I]
Calling all AMOS users of version 1.3! This option performs an automatic test on your AMOS Professional programs to see if they are compatible with AMOS v1.3. A search is made for any commands that are not available to AMOS v1.3, as well as any memory banks with an index number above 16. A message will be generated informing you whether or not your AMOS Professional program can run under AMOS v1.3.

The Editor will save the correct header automatically. If it is compatible with AMOS v1.3, that header will be used, otherwise the AMOS Professional header will be employed.

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