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the Resource Creator

This returns you to the Main menu.

Use this option to delete the currently highlighted element, which will be removed from the selection window.

This erases all resource graphics elements from memory, and you will be asked to confirm you decision before proceeding.

[Change Picture]
You are allowed to change the source picture without changing the position of the various elements, on condition that the new image must be exactly the same size as the original picture.

Editing text strings
To end this guided tour of the Resource Creator facilities, the options provided by [Edit Text Strings] are examined.

This sub-menu allows you to enter a list of pre-defined standard messages into the Resource Bank. These messages can then be accessed from an Interface program using the MEssage command, or from a main AMOS Professional program, with a RESOURCE$ instruction.

The Text String menu contains a large selection window that can be scrolled vertically, using the slider bar on the right-hand side. Each item can be individually selected with the mouse, and edited directly on the screen.

The [CLEAR] button erases all message strings from memory, whereas [EXIT] will return you to the Main menu.

Entering a new text string is extremely easy, and the following steps should be taken:

The editing of text strings takes place in an attractive dialogue box, and characters are typed using all of the normal editing commands.

To save your new text into memory, press the [Return] key twice.

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