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AMOS Errors

This is not a 'User' menu option!
The Delete Option command can only be used to delete entries from the User Menu. If you try to wipe out any other item, you'll get an error.

This line can't be modified
You've tried to edit a line containing a closed procedure. This is not allowed! If the procedure contains normal AMOS instructions you can use F9 to expand the definition onto the screen. Machine code procedures can't be listed in this way.

This menu option cannot be assigned to a key
The [Set Key Short-cut] option from the [Config] menu can't be used to assign short-cuts to an Accessory program listed in the AMOS menu.

This menu option cannot be assigned to a program!
The [Set Program to Menu] feature from the [Config] menu allows you to assign practically any menu item to an AMOS program. The only exceptions, are the various Accessory options from the AMOS Menu. These can't be redefined from the editor.

This menu option is already assigned to a program!
You've tried to assign a new program to a menu item which has already been set up. Click on [Cancel] to abort, or [Replace] to assign your new program.

Top of text
The text cursor has come to the first line of your current program.

Variable name buffer too small
You have used too many overlong names for your variables. Variable names are held in a buffer, and its default size may be changed from the [Set Interpreter] option in the [Config] menu.

Warm-Start Error
AMOS Professional has attempted to re-start using the session data held in the "AMOSPro.LastSession" file from the APSystem folder. This can happen if you attempt to warm-start AMOS Professional from a Write-Protected disc. Remove the protection and try again. If AMOS still fails to load, there's probably been a disc error of some sort. So delete the "AMOSPro.LastSession" file from the CLI and re- boot. AMOS should now load as normal.

What block?
You've tried to use the Block commands without defining a block on the screen. This can be accomplished with the [Ctrl]+[B] or [Block On/Off] option from the [Block] menu. You'll also get this error if you try to [Print] or [Save] a block. These operations first require you to grab the block into memory with [Store] or [Cut]. Highlighting the block is not enough!

You should assign a program to this option!
You've called a menu option from the user menu which doesn't have a program assigned to it. Use the "Set Program To Menu" feature from the Config menu to install an AMOS program to this option.

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