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the Monitor

With the black program cursor still on the first line of the example program, trigger [VAL] and ask for an evaluation of D by clicking on "D" in the last line of the example. The result of zero will be given! D will only be equal to A+B*C-1 when all the expressions have been evaluated.

Advance the process by one step by pressing the appropriate one-step button on the control panel, and the cursor moves to the next expression on the first line. Now advance two more steps, and get the correct evaluations for A,B and C, from the second line of the program. D will still come back as zero, but by advancing another step, D is given as 6.

To get rid of an expression from the Information Window, just click on it with the mouse cursor.

That was a very simple example, of course. However, when dealing with complex programs, you can use the Monitor with the greatest of ease to extract all sorts of interesting results from the expressions in the listing. Explore one of the AMOS Professional example programs now, and test out the Monitor on the most complex expressions you can find.

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