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Libraries and Devices

There can be problems with these structures, because the type of an element varies dramatically from function to function. Depending on the structure, it can be anything from a single byte to a whole string of characters. This means that before an element can be changed, the tedious process of checking its format must be carried out.

STRUC is able to identify the type of the element directly from the equates, and then handle the entire procedure automatically, no matter if the element is a byte, a word or a longword. If the element is a string pointer, an error will obviously be generated, but we have provided a STRUC$ variable to cater for this!

The address parameter holds the address of your structure in memory. This will usually be returned by a LIB BASE or a DEV BASE function. The offset name is the name of the relevant data object as listed in your manuals. The name will be converted into an offset number by AMOS Professional, using the auto-equate system, as explained earlier. This means that a SET EQUATE BANK command needs to be included near the beginning of your program, to initialise this feature. For example:

X> Struc(Dev Base(1),"I0_LENGTH")=TRACK_SIZE

The same process can be used to read a value from a structure:

X> Print Struc(Dev Base(1),"I0_LENGTH")

function: read or write a string pointer to a structure
Struc$(address,"Offset Name")="value"

This is used to read or write a string of characters to the named structure in memory. If the element is a number, an error will be generated when the program is first tested. When used to copy a string in a buffer area, STRUC$ adds a zero to the end, and then LOKEs it. In its alternative use, STRUC$ grabs the string from the relevant structure address, where this address refers to the address of the structure in memory, as returned by the LIB BASE or DEV BASE functions.

In both cases, the offset name refers to the name of the item to be manipulated.

Adding equates to the equates file
If your own non-standard libraries are to be used, equate files can easily be expanded in order to make use of your new routines.

To achieve this, an assembly listing should be produced, containing the equate definitions in standard Devpak format. This listing should then be run through the "Equates_Generator.AMOS" program, which can be found in the root directory of the AMOSPro_System disc.

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