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Accessing a Printer

aSGR22     ESC[22m   normal pitch
aSHORP2    ESC[2w    Elite on
aSHORP1    ESC[1w    Elite off
aSHORP4    ESC[4w    condensed on
aSHORP3    ESC[3w    condensed off
aSHORP6    ESC[6w    enlarged on
aSHORP5    ESC[5w    enlarged off
aDEN6      ESC[6"z   shadow print on
aDEN5      ESC[5"z   shadow print off
aDEN4      ESC[4"z   double-strike on
aDEN3      ESC[3"z   double-strike off
aDEN2      ESC[2"z   near-letter-quality on
aDEN1      ESC[1"z   near-letter-quality off
aSUS2      ESC[2v    superscript on
aSUS1      ESC[1v    superscript off
aSUS       ESC[4v    subscript on
aSUS3      ESC3v     subscript off

In order to print a text string in Italics and underlined, for example, the following routine could be used:

X> ESC$=Chr$(27)
   Printer Open
   Printer Send ESC$+"[3m"+ESC$+[4m"+"Greetings!"+LF$
   Printer Close

The state of printer output can be monitored by the PRINTER CHECK and PRINTER ERROR functions, and printing can be abandoned completely using PRINTER ABORT, which are all explained later.

Screen dumps
There are three alternative ways of using the PRINTER DUMP command to perform a screen dump.

instruction: print the contents of an AMOS Professional screen
Printer Dump
Printer Dump x1 ,y1 To x2,y2
Printer Dump x1 ,y1 To x2,y2,px,py,setting

Used without any parameters, PRINTER DUMP will perform an entire screen dump in a single operation. If the screen contains complex graphics, this may well take a considerable time to complete.

A selected area of the screen can be transmitted to the printer, retaining the current aspect ratio and screen size. In other words, if only half of the current display is to be printed, it will take up exactly half of the space of a complete print-out.

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