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Disc Access

instruction: set end-of-line characters
Set Input code1,code2

SET INPUT is used to set which characters you want to input to end a line of data. Many computers need both a [Return] and [line feed] character at the end of each line, but the Amiga only needs a [line feed]. This means that if you wanted to import files from an ST via the serial cable, for example, unwanted [Return] characters would litter your input.

SET INPUT solves this problem by allowing you to select two Ascii values as your end-of-line characters. If you prefer to use a single character only, make the second value a negative number. For example:

X> Set Input 10,-1 : Rem Standard Amiga format
   Set Input 13,10: Rem ST compatible format

function: input a fixed number of characters from a device

Use this function to input a set number of characters from a device or file. The parameters in brackets refer to the filename or device, followed by the count of characters to be input.

function: test for end of file

This tests to see if the end of a file has been reached at the current reading position, returning -1 for yes and 0 if this has not happened.

function: give length of an open file

LOF returns the length of an open file, and it would be pointless to use this function with devices other than the current disc.

reserved variable: hold current position of file pointer

This changes the current reading or writing position of an open file. For example, the following line sets the read/write position to 1,000 characters past the start of the file:

X> Pof(1)=1000

Because disc drives are inherently random, this may be used to provide a crude form of random access with sequential files.

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