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Installing Amos Professional

Step Five
This is the Installation Screen, and your System Disc will now boot directly into AMOS Professional. If you want to boot from floppy disc, press [Ctrl]+[Left Amiga]+[Right Amiga] now. Hard disc users should continue as explained below.

In this User Guide, whenever you are asked to press a particular key, the key is enclosed in square brackets on the printed page. When two or more keys should be pressed at the same time, a plus sign is used to link the individual keys together. So to boot AMOS Professional from floppy disc now, you are asked to press the control key at the same time as both of the special Amiga keys that are either side of the space bar on your keyboard, or [Ctrl]+[Left Amiga]+[Right Amiga].

Now is the time to fill in your Registration Numbers and back up your original AMOS Professional discs. Making copies of discs is very simple, using the AMOS Professional Disc Manager utility, which is fully explained in Chapter 13.4.

Hard Disc Users
With the Installation Screen still displayed, hard disc users should click on the [OK] panel. The start-up sequence is changed from running the Installer to running AMOS Professional, but the Installer can be recalled by double-clicking on its Workbench icon.

Step Six
Hard Disc Users are taken to the AMOS Professional Hard Disc Installation Screen. When this appears, simply indicate which items you would like installed onto your hard disc, and as each item is selected, the appropriate number of kilobytes required will be shown. You have the option to [Quit] at this stage, in which case you will be returned to the Workbench or CLI, depending on how the Installer was booted. Otherwise, when the required items have been selected, click on [Install].

Step Seven
If [Install] is chosen, a file selector appears, and you are requested to select the device and current path for the installation of AMOS Professional. After making your selection, click on [OK] to proceed to Step Eight of the Installation procedure. Alternatively, the [Cancel] option will return you to Step Six again.

Step Eight
Everything is now automatic. If there is not enough memory available on the selected device, this fact will be reported. You will be returned to Step Six to make a more modest selection. Otherwise, a loading and saving sequence is displayed, consisting of an Installation report for each named file, in the form of a percentage figure and an animated bar.

Step Nine
Once all files have been successfully installed on hard disc, a final report is displayed, along with an option to [Quit].

The installation procedure will analyse what type of system it is being installed onto and will configure your AMOS Professional software appropriately.
See Chapter 13.1 regarding these settings.

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