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AMOS Errors

Overflow (29)
The result of a calculation has exceeded the maximum size of a variable.

POP without GOSUB (2)
POP can only be executed inside a subroutine which was previously gone to with a GOSUB command. To exit from a procedure, use POP PROC.

Parallel device already used (171)
The PARALLEL OPEN command can only be used ONCE in your program. If you've already opened the printer port with PRINTER OPEN, the parallel device may not be available for your use. Alternatively, if your Amiga has several of these parallel ports you might need to access the devices directly using the DEV OPEN command.

Parallel initialisation error (177)
The parallel device has refused to open probably because another program is using it.

Parallel line error (174)
The PARALLEL SEND, PARALLEL INPUT$ or PRINTER SEND commands have been unable to access the parallel port. Check than the cables are plugged firmly into the connectors, and try again.

Parallel port reset (176)
Commodore documentation is vague on this error. We guess it's due to a Parallel printer being turned off or the connectors being unplugged during transmission.

Program interrupted (9)
You have pressed the [Ctrl] and [C] keys at the same time, to exit directly from your program, or used a STOP instruction. This is an information message, not an error.

Printer cannot output graphics (162)
The PRINTER DUMP command can only dump your screens onto printers which support some sort of graphics mode. This applies to the vast majority of printers currently on the market, and includes ANY normal dot-matrix or laser printer. However, if you're using a daisy wheel printer, you'll be unable to make use of this feature. Sorry!

RETURN without GOSUB (1)
RETURN can only be used to exit from a subroutine that was originally entered with a GOSUB.

Rainbow not defined (75)
You must define your rainbow effect using SET RAINBOW before you can call it up.

Resume label not defined (6)
The label you have specified in a RESUME command does not exist.

Resume without error (7)
The RESUME command cannot be executed unless an error has been discovered in your program.

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